Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My 50th Post!

This is my 50th post since I have been blogging! I would like to blog more but it seems life has become pretty busy! So there really is no theme for this one just a little update and since I havent been able to participate in Not Me! Mondays I do have a few things to confess!

First, work is going ok, there is alot to learn and ALOT of handwritting! I have not hand writtin anything other than a check or note to school since they came out with the computer! So I have writers cramp, but thats ok!

I have had to miss the last 2 days, Chey has been sick. I took her to urgent care Sunday and they thought she had a ear infection and congestion. However, by Monday night she was feeling much worse and coughing horribly. So Tuesday I took her to the pediatrician. She ended up having either bronchitis or walking pnemonia. So now she is on the z-pack and cough medicine, she seems to be feeling better today and hopefully can go back to school tomorrow.

I have also been busy taking pictures. I have had a shoot the last 3 weekends in a row! I have a few more scheduled and hopefully will be booking more soon!

Everything else is a little crazy and there is a HUGE change coming for my family in the next few months. I cant say at this time other than it involves my husbands job. They have been having more layoffs at his company and he works in fear everyday that it could be his last. He has things in the works for something in which Im not happy about but know I have to stand behind him. Just please pray for us that he wont be laid off and also that if what he wants to do is God's will then it will all fall into place!

So for the things that I have not done the past few weeks!

*Started running the washer, added detergent...forgot the clothes! TWICE TODAY!
*Ate the remaining brownies from our baseball meeting dinner before anyone else could.
*Spend 8 hours on the computer editing pictures over the weekend.
*Splurge on another prop even though I promised I would wait a little bit to buy more.
*Get addicted to Facebook along with Myspace and blogging! So that is where all my time went.
*Put off working on my taxes to do other things...I will be working on that next I promise ;)!

Hope you all have a great week!
PS Check out the pics I took over the weekend on my photography blog!


Jeanne said...

50 posts! You do it girl! I'm on 33, I think. Poor Chey. Josie's stuff sounds similar. I'm taking her to the peditrician at 7:00 tonight. Yep, 7:00 p.m. There's so much sickness that she's staying open that late.
I am praying for that whole situation. Just keep holding on to the scripture that says, "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. You will call to me and I WILL answer you!" Whatever the outcome, He knows what He has planned for you and your family! Love you :)

Jeanne said...

When I said I'm praying for that whole situation, I meant the one with Larry's job! Somehow I forgot to put that part...kinda like you forgot to put your detergent one day! :)

Riah said...

Yay, 50 posts! That's great. Keep it up... I love reading about your beautiful family.

Deborah said...

The clothes thing is hilarious! :) I am praying for the job thing too and for Chey to get better! Now, I'm going to go check out your pics! 3 go girl!

lori said...

Awe well I will be praying about Larry's job.

The washer thing, I do that all the time but my washer is outside in the shed so when I walk out with a new load only to see the the first is still in need of washing ugh

The Light's, party of 4 said...

At least your trying to do laundry! I had to do 7 loads alone today just to catch up. I love all the pics. on your personal and photo blog. I definately want to get you out to my house. Our life is just crazy with t-ball. congrats on the 50th post.

Cocoa Beach June 2008