Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Will I Ever Find A Job?

**UPDATE** I passed my test!!!! I am so pleased that its over and done with!!! Now the fun begins looking for employment where ever I can find it!

With the economy falling the way that it is, I'm not really surprised by how hard it is to find a job. Especially trying to find one that fits into my family schedule. Honestly, I have looked for the past year but only in schools. So now I'm thinking I have to broaden my search.

I quit working in May 2007, after much deliberation and discussion with my husband over losing my income. Before then most of my mornings were horrible, Cheyenne hated school, she cried and/or threw up most days. I had a constant pull at my heart that I needed to be with them more than just 3 hours in the evening time and every other weekend (they go to their dads on the other weekends). I was also having to take Chey to Shands quit often to try and figure out why she was growing at such a rapid rate. That will have to be a whole other post!

So I quit to become a Stay At Home Mom, or like I recently was called a Domestic Engineer, thinking I would have some sort of job by August of 2007. That didn't happen. I did however take over my mom's Avon business, which allowed me to make a little extra money and stay home. I did great in the beginning, made unit leader and all kinds of bonuses... however that quickly went down with the economy too, no one wants to buy as much as they did and with gas prices you have to deliver the products to your customers, which became more costly than anything. So I still sell, but only to close friends and family mostly.

So here I sit, over a year later, with still no job. I have had some interviews in some schools, which is where I want to be, however, they have all "hired within". I'm in the process of getting my substitute certificate and tomorrow I go for my ParaPro Test. Which I'm really nervous but excited about, because it may give me more of a chance at a school job.

I really cant go back to a full time position anywhere working 8 to 5. The schools aftercare prices are outrageous and the wages in the area are very low. I would really be working for gas and aftercare, plus the fact that I would not be with my kids again.

I have prayed hard over this for sometime and my mom has too. I even had a stranger, which turned out to be a preacher, come to my yard sale with his wife looking for items for the local women & children's shelter for gifts for Christmas. I ended up donating a box of new Avon items, dresses and kids clothes. When he turned to leave he said "I will say a special prayer for you". I said "Pray that I find a job please". He turned around grabbed my hand and prayed for me right there in the middle of my yard sale with all the people around. Which I thought was awesome and made my cry.

That was over a month ago, but I'm trying not to get discouraged. I know that God works in his own time, not mine. I told my close friend Rhonda yesterday that I still had no luck but I know I have to be patient. It took God almost 7 years to send me Larry, when I prayed everyday for him to send me a great man. He finally did, when he was ready... lets just hope it doesn't take 7 years for me to find a job...haha

Somehow we are making it without anything being past due so far. But we have had to cut a lot of extras out of our budget, since my husband's company also mandated "NO OVERTIME", which is what we were really living off of for the extras. We are having to sell my husband bass boat which he loves dearly, but we cant take it out on the lake anyway. So when and if we ever get stable again and can take on another payment, I promise to get him the best bass boat ever!!!!

For now I will keep praying that the right job comes along, that is right in every aspect for our family! Keep your fingers crossed I pass my test!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hey Christy, I found your blog on Hannah's blog. I will say a prayer that you find a job. The schools really do need subs though! And it's great because you work when you want to. I subbed before I took teaching on full time. You have a beautiful family! Kiley keeps me posted when we go to school on Saturdays. I just love her :) Take care, and I will follow your blog :)

Cocoa Beach June 2008