Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One Proud Mama

On Friday, We had a sleepover for Brant's Birthday. Our first one ever...
There were 3 boys from his baseball team, 1 best friend from school and my best friends son Chase who spent the night... Of course Cheyenne was here and Jordan stayed to keep the boys straight for a little while. They had lots of fun playing football, running an obstacle course (which included putting on a dress and running around the house)riding bikes, skateboarding jumping on the trampoline, roasting marshmallows and did I forget to mention playing XBOX 360 all night long!!!
What is a sleepover without staying up all night? I remember those all night sleepovers when I was young. They were good though, Larry only had to get up once at 4:30 a.m. and tell them to quiet down and which they did. They may have slept for an hour around 6 they said... but I was up at 7:30 waiting for Jordan to come back. They were up and ready to go some more, they played again all morning and we took them to the Oxford park for a little while! They all had such a blast! He had a great 13th birthday!

Below is a pic of Larry & Brant playing football and Chance (our puppy) wanting in too!
Now this is why I don't bake! I asked Brant what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday, he said yellow with chocolate icing. I'm thinking no problem, I can do that... yeah right!!!
I baked the cake no problem, so I go to turn it over into a cookie sheet to put icing on it and when it landed on that pan it looked like an earthquake hit it, there were cracks through the whole thing... So I decide to "cover it up" with icing...wrong answer...I didn't let it cool, so it just melted into all the cracks...I thought "Those boys will never eat this cake!"...here is a pic of it!
Thankfully,a very dear friend of mine, Mrs. Tammy, came to drop off her son. I showed her the cake for a good laugh... She saved the day! She told me to put the cake in the freezer and let if completely cool, then spread cool whip on top, shave a Hershey bar over it and drizzle Hershey's chocolate over that! It was awesome! Much better than just plain cake. She is such a lifesaver, I don't know what I would do without all her great advice!!! Needless to say, the boys still didn't eat it, they only wanted ice cream, but that's OK because the adults liked it! Here's the after pic!


Today I got to shop all day! How great is that!?! We don't really have extra to spend, but it was really nice to go and hang out with Janet at Hobby Lobby, looking at all the things I would love to decorate my house with... Fall is definitely creeping into my thoughts! We had great conversation and I enjoyed not finishing cleaning my floors to spend the morning with her. We will have to do that again soon!

Then this afternoon, Brant & I went back to Ocala to the mall for him to spend his birthday money. Cheyenne had dance tonight and went to her dad's, so he and I took our time and enjoyed being together...

He surprised me (and made me cry tears of joy)...while we were in Inland Ocean I pointed out a car sticker of a sun that I thought was pretty...so we paid and walked back out into the mall, he asked me for some of his money and said he had forgotten something, he went back in the store and came out beaming and handed me a little bag... he had bought me that sticker and said "Thanks mom for bringing me shopping today"...my heart melted and I teared up...that boy knows how to make a mama proud!!!


Jeanne said...

That cake (the before pic) looks like something I would make. The after pic looks yummy! What a good idea! Anything with hershey bar has to be wonderful. I'm glad you had such a good weekend. Brant is so thoughtful!!!!

lori said...

Awe that boy is too sweet. Can you believe you have a 13 year old kid!! What the heck we were just kids ourselves

Jeanne said...

I must say I LOVE your new blog page and picture. :)

The Russ Family said...

Hey Christy,
I saw your blog page on Hannah's. I can't believe Brant is 13 already. Time really does fly. I'm glad you found Mr. Right. You sound really happy.
Love your blog!

Cocoa Beach June 2008