Monday, September 15, 2008

Tidbits From Our Weekend

How come the weekends fly so quickly? This one went by very quickly or maybe I'm just tired and I needed more rest. Saturday morning came early for us, at 6:30 a.m. Brant's step mom called, he was running a fever and complaining of a sore throat. So she brought him home. At that time I felt like maybe it was a virus... I looked in his throat it didn't show signs of white spots on his tonsils and his temp was only like 99.9, so I decided that we would wait it out for a little bit.

A man came to look at the boat and he bought it! Although we were happy since that alleviated one of our monthly bills, we were also sad to see it go...But I promised my honey that we will have another boat in a few years and this time it will be the best tricked out Bass Boat of them all...he informed me it will be a Triton!!!

We then went to my Nana's to work in the yard and do some more cleaning...(I have another post in mind about that subject, that is on my "to write" list). Poor Brant was still feeling bad but he went along and slept on the couch. After being there for about 5 hours and dusting almost everything in that house, while the men cut down shrubs and trees, we came home.

By then Brant's fever was a little higher and he was feeling worse. My sister brought me more Tylenol and we kept alternating it. Still the whole time I'm thinking its a virus... That night he woke me up burning up and could barely swallow, so I went into sleep with him for a while (I know he is almost 13, but he is still my baby)and he was just miserable. Around 8 and he was still not feeling any better and his heart was racing, I knew it was more than a virus by then.

There is a new Urgent Care on 466 going toward Target called Paramount Urgent Care. I have been told by a few friends that is was good and boy was it! We were in and out of there in less than an hour. He had strep throat. They ended up giving him 2 shots to speed up the healing. The rest of the day he and I laid around the house, I felt wiped out too, while Larry smoked some ribs on the smoker, what a great man he is. And by the end of the night last night he was feeling better and even ate supper. I kept him home today and maybe tomorrow depending on the white bumps on his tonsils, but so much better than Sunday morning!!!!

I felt horrible about not taking him sooner though, they always tell me its a virus and there is nothing they can do. So this time I was gonna be smart and just save the money...I know I'm not the only one who has ever done that, but it sure makes you feel awful knowing if you would have taken them the day before they wouldn't have gotten so sick.

We didn't get to make it to church and also missed Avery getting baptised. I felt guilty because of my recent revelations and promises to God, but I know he understood and we are planning to go this coming Sunday. I'm just so thankful Brant is feeling better and I have my fingers crossed Cheyenne doesn't come down with it!

Oh and BTW, if you want to rent a cute movie get Baby wasn't as funny as I would have thought from the previews. But all in all a really cute movie and it made me laugh!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I'm glad you got so much done this weekend. Your poor little guy. I've done the same thing with Jake. He's got walking pnuemonia and I had no idea. I thought it was allergies. Took him to the fun fun! Now he's on all kinds of medicines. As Mama's we have to let that guilt go! :) Don't you let yourself feel bad about not being at church. God's not feeling bad about you! Take care.

Cocoa Beach June 2008