Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our Trip to Destin

Let me start out by saying that even if its warm in Florida the weekend after Christmas the water is still cold!!! But not to this little guy, our nephew Blake who is 7 and from Wisconsin, loves to swim in the water no matter how cold it is, they left snow to come down here for a week of fun in the sun. To them it feels like summertime!
This is Mark, Lisa and Blake. We only get to see them at Christmas and this time it had to be a quick visit. We drove up there on Saturday, then had to leave to come home Sunday around noon. It took 6 hours to get there and then 7 hours to get back. Traffic was a little hectic!
But it was worth the travel time to get to visit with them. Maybe next year we can go to Wisconsin...We will see!!
Aw! Brother & Sister Love!
Below is a few pics that I took of the kids on the rocks, the beach was beautiful. I just wish it wasn't so foggy. The sun never came out enough during the time we were there so most of the pictures are dark or foggy looking. We have hopes of going back there sometime during the summer when its warmer so we can see all the pretty colors of the water and stay longer to enjoy it!

Hope you all have a Safe and Happy New Year!


Jeanne said...

Your kids are so gorgeous! Seriously! That picture of Brant is off the hizzie my nizzie! Happy New Year girlie!

lori said...

Happy new year, those pictures are great

Cocoa Beach June 2008