Monday, February 16, 2009

Taking A Minute To Blog

Busy can not even come close to how our life has been lately. Sometimes I think I should just forgo sleeping just to get things done. It seems lately we always have somewhere to go or something to do. Our days, nights and weekends have suddenly become over flowing with commitments. However with that said I don't think we would trade it for the world except to maybe have just one day to do nothing. So here is just a little update on us!

Cheyenne has still been sick, she went to school 2 days in 2 weeks. After the bronchitis she got gastritis in her stomach which caused her stomach to hurt and she couldnt eat or barely drink. We went to the doctor 4 times in the 2 weeks. She went to school today but she says her stomach still hurts. Hopefully she will be completely over it soon.

Brant came down with strep throat last Wednesday, so Thursday I took them both to the doctor. She has made a killing off my kids in the last 2 weeks! I had to enlist some help from my mom and sister Mandi to help watch them so I wouldn't have to take off all those days at work since I have only been there 3 weeks.

Work is getting easier to understand and the days go by quickly. I still have a to-do list at home a mile long but I have managed to keep the laundry done and cook dinner, maybe nothing else is getting done but when I get the kids well, all this mountain of back homework done, my taxes and getting the kids projects ready for the Southeaster Youth Fair. I will have time to clean this house!

Larry's job is still touchy and he is nearing a decision on his little adventure he wants to take. It will affect us all but I feel a little better that it will be for the best for us. I have decided to stand behind him because he stands behind any adventure I want to take on!

Speaking of adventure...My photography seems to be coming along great! I'm so excited and happy that everyone I have done pictures for love them and have referred me to their friends and family! I got a new camera 2 weeks ago...Its a Sony A350 DSLR, it takes great pics. I'm still learning the settings and doing lots of practicing but the ones Ive taken so far have been great! I have a wedding to do in April and maybe another one after that! If you know of anyone wanting photos taken please send them my way or direct them to my photography blog to check out my work. I will try to update with my latest pics soon!

One more thing, if anyone is interested in antiques! We will be having a Yard Sale at my Step grandfathers house on February 28th. There is so much stuff there and some of it is really old! So if your into antiques or just yard sales come look around, we have found lots of treasures in the attic including furniture, mirrors, old books, pictures, lighters, lamps, radios...we pretty much have anything you could want! Email me if you want directions.

Well I gotta run to tackle another to-do before I get the kids off the bus!


jennykate77 said...

Sounds like you've been one busy person!! Sorry you hear that Cheyenne has been sick...hope she's all better soon! Glad to hear an update from you :) Have a great week!

Deborah said...

i know all about the seems worse this year for some reason!!! email me the directions...if i can't go i'll send my mom to check out the yard sale!!! :)

Jeanne said...

The busyness of your life is crazy to me. How do you do it?? I really hope your kids get better soon. Sickness stinks like dirty laundry!!! :) Take care of yourself!

Cocoa Beach June 2008