Thursday, September 18, 2008

Help When Help Is Needed

Yes 2 posts in 1 day! I have been working on this one for a few days...I'm still not sure I'm happy with it and may edit later, but I wanted to get it out there!

Sometimes the smallest, tiniest offerings of kindness in your eyes are the biggest most wonderful gifts in others. I'm not talking about big expensive gifts or even anything of monetary value. I mean the acts that come from your heart that mean more than anything bought.

Over the years, I have been on the giving and the receiving end of these gifts. It seems to run in a circle for me. I will give and then I receive... wait isn't that in the bible?... give and you will receive. Of course, that is how God helps everyone in this world, by placing it upon someones heart to give when another is in a time of need and to allow them to receive in their time of need.
Not too long ago, there was a family at Larry's work where the family lost their home to a fire, I sent out an email to everyone on my list and asked for help of donations of any kind. The response was overwhelming so much in fact (not all from my friends but from anyone who heard and wanted to give), they had to stop taking donations. They had no room to store it all until they got a new home. But how awesome is that, I even had people I barley knew bringing items by my house to give to them. I know that happened again recently with a friend of a friend of mine. Everyone just gave so much they really couldn't take anything else. God is Good!

I can also think back at a time in my life that I didn't have much money, I was a single mom at the time and it was Brant's 3rd Christmas...I feared he wasn't gonna have a Christmas that year. But someone gave me a check for $100.00 and I have never forgotten that. They knew I needed help and they gave it to me. Now I try to give at Christmas when I can, even if its a toy for Toys for Tots. I was so thankful for that great gift and it left such an impression on my heart.

More recently we were touched by others wanting to give us help. My grandparents house has been pretty much abandoned for the past year. My Nana had cancer 5 years ago and never really regained her strength and then last summer she got deathly ill and we almost lost her. She now is in a nursing home in Bushnell, which has proved to be such a blessing, they take good care of her medically and she is happy. My step-grandfather had to go live with his daughter because of his failing health also. So the house has pretty much sat, Mom did the best she could maintaining it, having the yard mowed and she has cleaned the dust out of the house I don't know how many times. But it has become very overwhelming.

Anyway back to my story, my friend Jill knew we were going to be working in my Nana's yard this past Saturday so she talked with her cousin Joey (Jeanne's husband) who had told her he wanted to start helping families in their yards...little did he know when he said yes to helping us, it was 2.5 acres that should have been mowed for hay! I cant tell you what a blessing it was for Jill, Curtis and Joey to come and lend their time on a hot Saturday morning (after working their regular jobs all week) to help us work in the yard. They mowed, weed eated (not sure if thats a word), picked up limbs, raked and pretty much anything they saw that needed cleaning up...It helped us so much!!! It looked like a jungle down there, but after all their help and the rest of the family spending time there last Thursday and Saturday its looking much better! They were truly gifts from God!

Last year I was a volunteer and mentor at the kids school and will be again this year. It is such a great feeling to know you are helping out in anyway you can. I'm also thinking of volunteering at the animal shelter...I might as well do something useful while I don't have a job right? No, I really do love helping and feel it is an important part of being a person and a christian. Sometimes its hard for me to except help (must be pride) but I do need it at times, just as everyone does in their life... As long as you keep giving when you are needed, others will give unto you when you are in need!

Here are 2 before and 2 after pics of my grandparents house so far!!!


Jeanne said...

Christy, I'm dadgum crazy about this blog. I love to hear about kind things people have done! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm thankful that people have come through for you. And it's beautiful the ways you have been someone's answer to prayer. Joey really enjoyed being able to love on you guys! He had no idea that you and I had been blogging back and forth either. It's just such a God thing. And I didn't know you were Lori's cousin. Small world. Take care!

Jennifer said...

The shirt was from the print store in Wildwood behind Domino's.

The house looks great by the way!

Cocoa Beach June 2008