Monday, December 15, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Wow the weeks are flying and Christmas is next week!!! I cant believe it! I missed last weeks Not Me! Monday so I wanted to do one today! For all of you that have some Not Me's you would like to confess or just read other Not Me's click on over Mckmama's blog and check it out!

*I did not have a total reality check (and cry alot) yesterday while at the church Christmas program because again this year I have forgotten (well not totally forgotten) the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

*I have not been so stressed over presents; what to buy, where is the extra money going to come from, is the present that I do buy not good enough. But sitting there yesterday and watching it all made me realize that all the worry is not going to help the matter only magnify it. All I need to do is enjoy this season because it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and thats all that matters!

What I want to know is how it all got so commercialized into making us feel we have to do more and more every year?

*We have not eaten fried pork chops twice this week, oh, and fried deer too!!! I forgot how wonderful fried food taste!

*I did not also make those Chocolate Mug Cakes three times last week either. Nope you cant prove it...the evidence is gone!

Can you say strict diet after January 1st!!! LOL

*I am not looking forward to this coming Sunday because we are going to do our Christmas baking...need I say more to that. And I will get to see that precious baby girl Lola!

*Larry & I have not started watching all the rerun episodes of Extreme Home Makeover and cried like babies over everyone of them (shhh don't tell him I told you he cried too).

*I'm not incredibly nervous about making the decision to take the kids out of Marion County Schools and put them into Wildwood after Christmas break or that I may be substituting by February...this is a big change for us, but I know it will work out!

*I do not without a doubt love taking pictures. I have finally found something that I have a passion for!


Deborah said...

i share your sentiments exactly...i've said a hundred times this season that all the "buying" and almost going into debt is SO not what christmas is about. All I really want for this kids is to understand the greatest gift of all, Jesus, and to make some memories that will last their lifetime. but I can't be a scrooge and say no presents! :) good luck with the change.

jennykate77 said...

Great Not Me's! I'm glad you found something you're so passionate about...and really great at! So, you've been making...and eating lots of Chocolate Mug Cakes, huh? I won't tell☺ They do sound yummy!

Hope you have a great Tuesday!

Cocoa Beach June 2008